Customer Visit Summary: Modular Data Center Hot Aisles Project


Recently, two representatives from an Indonesian company—a technical expert and a product manager—visited the Coolnet factory to discuss their requirements for a Modular Data Center Hot Aisles project. During their visit, they explored the features and performance of the monitoring and control software interface used in our micro-module data centers. They also outlined additional needs for various types of rack air conditioners.

Modular data center


In addition to these technical discussions, the team engaged in conversations about payment methods, shipping packaging, and selecting appropriate ports of departure. The Indonesian company also expressed interest in sending their technical personnel for training on our monitoring and control systems. We assured them that we fully support both online learning and on-site training at our factory.

Moreover, the visitors showed significant interest in our liquid cooling products and requested more information in the future. We are eager to continue our collaboration and provide all the necessary support to meet their evolving needs.

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